
Chung Chi College Chapel Sunday Service (March 2024)


Chung Chi Updates / Activities

Chung Chi College Chapel Sunday Service

Every Sunday | 10:30 am | Chung Chi College Chapel


3 March Third Sunday in Lent

Topic: Wisdom or Sign?

Speaker: Rev. LI Kwan Hung Leo (Honorary Assistant Chaplain, Chung Chi College, CUHK; Lecturer, Divinity School of Chung Chi College, CUHK)


10 March Fourth Sunday in Lent

Topic: God So Loved the World

Speaker: Rev. KO Kwok Hung Pele (Chaplain, Chung Chi College, CUHK)


17 March Fifth Sunday in Lent

Topic: I Saw the Lord Sitting on a High and Lofty Throne

Speaker: Dr. TANG Sui Keung (Honorary Assistant Chaplain, Chung Chi College, CUHK)


24 March Liturgy of the Passion - Sixth Sunday in Lent

Topic:  The Passion of Waving Palm Branches

Speaker: Mr. LAM Ho Yan Walter (Assistant Chaplain, Chung Chi College, CUHK)


31 March Resurrection of the Lord

Topic:  “Peace be with you”

Speaker: Rev. CHEUNG Hon Keung (Minister-in-charge, The Church of Christ in China Mongkok Church)


The Sunday Service will be conducted in Cantonese, supported with Putonghua and English simultaneous interpretation.



Enquiries: Chaplain's Office, Chung Chi College, CUHK - Ms. TSANG 3943 4144 | Mr. LAM 3943 4301