In Dialogue with Excellence

From Medical School to Magical World of Drama


Campus Newsletter / In Dialogue with Excellence


University life is not confined to classroom learning, participating in fabulous events of various clubs or societies is good for students to gain invaluable experience, explore their inner self, and enjoy spiritual nourishment. Mr. Chan Shiu Chit, a second-year Chung Chi-er majoring in medicine and President of the Chung Chi Drama Club (CCDC), is dedicated to the drama world despite his hectic routines. In the CU Drama Competition 2022, CCDC has outstanding achievements by garnering three awards, including the Backstage Heroes Award, Best Costume Design Award, and Best Set Design Award, of which Mr. Chan is the awardee. What does drama mean to him? What has he learned from different roles in CCDC?


As for Mr. Chan, the “beauty” of drama lies in how the audience unleashes their creativity by immersing themselves in a brand new world and grasps the underlying message of the drama.


Q: What has inspired you to explore the drama world?


The performance of CUHK Medegg’s Annual Production in 2021 is my first exposure to drama. The plot was based on the story of Hong Kong author Liu Yichang’s novel, Intersection. Having read it before, I was so amazed that drama can tell a story so majestically through various means including actors, sets, light, images, and sound design. At that time, I came across a recruitment poster by CCDC, and decided to explore the drama world during the less busy first-year studies.


As I acquired some basic knowledge of woodwork in secondary school, set design was my first choice when I first joined CCDC, through which I started to explore the drama world. Meanwhile, no one was willing to take up the posts of producer and stage manager, I ended up attempting these two roles through learning by doing. Fortunately, with the help of experienced seniors, I was able to learn a lot about the production of a drama from start to finish during a few months of preparation.


Last year, Mr. Chan Shiu Chit was so amazed that drama can tell a story so majestically through various means, and decided to explore the drama world during the less busy first-year studies.

Q: How to juggle between medicine studies and drama roles?


The year-two medicine studies are tougher compared to year one’s. Nevertheless, further exploration of the theatrical world is necessary, for my knowledge of drama is only skin-deep. To strike a balance between these two roles, time management is key. During October, while handling a vast amount of lectures, practices, and tutorials, I also needed to take up multiple roles in the CUHK drama competition. When I woke up in the morning, I had to allocate my time properly to studies and drama, which depended on what goal I would like to achieve on that day.


During that period, many friends observed my tiredness and asked me why I have spent so much time on drama, even if it is not widely appreciated, even if it is quite time-consuming, even if I will not likely come across this field again after graduation. Their questions prompted me to reflect on what I wish to obtain throughout my university life. Why don't I spend more time on my studies or do more medical-related work, like what my classmates do? As for me, I just think if I can still freely explore my inner self and make a breakthrough by joining various events other than studies, why not give it a try?


Q: What does drama mean to you?


I have once discussed the meaning and purpose of theatrical design with my friend from another drama club. He reckoned that drama should present the real world on stage, hence enabling the audience to easily immerse themselves in a particular time and space. I do not completely agree with this as there are limited available resources for drama productions, for example, displaying an entire road on stage is out of the question. However, it is such a limitation that prompts the audience to unleash their creativity to imagine a whole new world and grasp the drama messages intended by the production team within one or two hours. As for me, drama is about breaking free from the real world for a while, and going to another space where the story takes place. When the audience is rendered speechless by the way a drama is portrayed, the “beauty” of drama is fully manifested. It is what I aspire to achieve one day during my short journey in the theatrical world, and I hope more audiences will be impressed by the beauty of drama.


The Chung Chi Drama Club (CCDC) has garnered three awards in the CU Drama Competition 2022. Professor Fong Wing Ping, Head of College (1st right in the upper photo), and Professor Edwin Chan, Associate Head of College (2nd right, front row in the lower photo) also gave support to the CCDC members at the competition.

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