Student Development

Application Form for Student Hostel in 2024/2025 (For Current Student)

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  • Read the note of application carefully

  • Applicants who are not residing with their parents, and whose address proof does not have their parents’ names on it, have to fill in another form and provide other supporting document ★ before the application deadline. File name: [Sex] + [name of applicant] + [SID] + “parent”, e.g. “F Fan Hau Yuen 1155006789 parent.pdf
  • Madam S. H. Ho Hall major renovation will be started in the coming summer and the expected construction period is 4 months. Students who are assigned to Madam S. H. Ho Hall may not be able to check in the hostel in September.
  • Login the CC Hostel System with your SID and the OnePass password sent from the University

  • Please fill in the form carefully. The submitted form would not be revised after submission.
  • Deadline of application: 23:59 of April 10, 2024 (System time will be taken. For late applications, 3 points will be deducted for each day after the deadline)

  • For application submitted after April 23, 2024, the point at Category C on extracurricular / other activities indicated, including point of "priority", will not be counted.


Link for Application Form

Hostel Point System in 2024/2025