General Education

Post-Assembly Luncheon with Guest Speaker

Students are welcome to apply for joining the Post-Assembly Luncheon with the Assembly guest speaker, by filling out the online form before corresponding deadline.


Next Post-Assembly Luncheon:

Assembly Guest Speaker

Dr. FAN Ning

Founder & Chairman of Forget Thee Not;

Founder of Health In Action;

Former President of Medecins Sans Frontieres (Hong Kong);

Honorary Clinical Assistant Professor of Faculty of Medicine, CUHK;

Honorary Clinical Assistant Professor of LKS Faculty of Medicine, HKU;

Fellow of Institute of Health Equity, CUHK;

Awardee of Hong Kong Humanity Award (2009);

CUHK Alumnus (MBA/ 2009)

Date 17 Nov 2023 (Friday)
Time 12:50pm (End of assembly) - 2:00pm
Venue Chung Chi College Staff Club
Fee Free of charge


There are three quotas for students. Places will be determined by lot drawing if the number of applications exceed the quota.


Application deadline:12:00 noon, 13 Nov 2023 (Monday)

Application link:

