Pastoral Care



高國雄牧師 (The Rev. KO Kwok Hung Pele)



  • Alumnus of Chung Chi College, CUHK (B.A. in Religious Studies, MDiv)
  • Been a camp leader at the Chung Chi College Orientation Camp
  • Been the producer of the Orientation Camp’s song collection album of Chung Chi College Orientation Camp
  • Baptized and joined the church in the adolescence
  • Served as a member and team pastor of Gospel Music Groups, arranged over 750 music evangelism gatherings in local and overseas schools/churches
  • Served as a youth ministry officer and manager of parachurch organizations and churches, as well as a minister at CCC Leung Faat Memorial Church for over 20 years
  • Being a serving pastor of the Hong Kong Council of Christ in China (HKCCCC).  Also actively serving HKCCCC in different positions, such as: member of the Standing Committee, Chairperson of the Administration and Church Affairs Department, and Vice-Chairperson of the Education Services Department, Supervisors of three primary schools and IMC member of two secondary schools
  • Being the Trustee of the Evangelical School Development Incorporation, Councilor of the Scripture Union of Hong Kong, Consultant of Hong Kong Association of Christian Music Ministry Ltd and Chaplain of Christian Band of CUHK
  • Be enthusiastic about faith and lifestyle sharing