About Chung Chi

Student Wellness Task Group

The Task Group promotes students’ holistic wellness through providing different kinds of student-centred activities in order to enhance students’ well-being. Enquiries: 3943 4004


Professor MAK Wing Sze Winnie | Convenor
Professor NG Shek Nam Marques | Dean of Students
Dr. CHEUNG Mei Chun Jane | College Secretary
The Rev. KO Kwok Hung Pele | College Chaplain
Ms. CHENG Yuk Kiu Amy | Administrative Manager
Dr. AHMAT Ricky
Dr. CHAN Po On Ella
Professor JIN Lei
Professor KIM Jean Hee
Mr. LAM Kin Wing
Dr. LI Chun Hong
Professor LI Ka Chi
Professor LI Yufan
Dr. LO Fai Hang
Professor NG Fei Yin Florrie
Mr. SUM Chi Him
Professor TAM Hon Lon
Professor TSE Lap Ah Shelly
Professor WONG King Shui Phyllis
Dr. WONG Suzanne Shu Shan
Dr. WONG Wai Ting Jacqueline
Professor WONG Wing Ho Oscar
Dr. WONG Ying Ying Ashley
Professor YIP Ching Wah Francis

Miss CHOI Ka Man | Student Representative
Mr. LEUNG Chung Ki | Student Representative
Ms. FUNG Hiu Lui Juniva | Secretary