About Chung Chi

General Education Office

The General Education Office supports the College General Education programme and advocates the development of the teaching and learning of General Education. The Chung Chi College General Education grew out of an original Philosophy of Life programme suggested by the founders of the College. It is continually guided by the General Education Committee and is required of all students.


The Course “Philosophy of Life” is planned not so much as a teaching course but as a Conversation. It is a conversation between each student and the great minds of the past, both Chinese and Western. It is also, through the tutors who lead the classes, a conversation between each student and current thinking about life and life’s meaning. The Course is planned to be the beginning of a conversation between you and your experience in life. We hope you will continue this conversation through out your life.


Conversation by Bishop Ronald Owen Hall

Address at the First Baccalaureate Service of Chung Chi College, 23rd June 1955


The programme seeks to broaden the interests of students and give them a wider perspective than those their major and minor subjects provide. It recognizes, in particular, their common need for:


1. Knowledge of the nature and structure, purposes and functions of modern university education, particularly its emphasis on rational thinking.

2. A critical awareness and appreciation of the main cultural traditions of China and the West.

3. An understanding of the modern scientific point of view and of the intrinsic significance of the sciences (natural and social) and their relation to society and culture.

4. An ability to face contemporary and perennial issues of life and their challenge to rational inquiry, discussion, and personal commitment.


The Chung Chi College General Education encourages students to explore their potential, adapt to university life and acknowledge the main characteristics of university study. The College General Education also aspires to enhance students’ ability to communicate and cooperate with classmates and teachers from different academic and cultural backgrounds as well as developing teambuilding skills that are essential to cross disciplinary cooperation.


The College General Education features both depth and breadth of knowledge. It is a challenging yet meaningful task to students. The wide coverage and rich content may be arduous but will be amply rewarding, students are assured to benefit a great deal by participating actively in both inside and outside classroom activities, playing an active role in group discussions with the awareness of the importance of laying aside prejudices and preconceived ideas.


Please refer to the section on “General Education” for details of the offered courses.



Service-Learning Centre


In Chung Chi College, deeply rooted in Christian higher education traditions and ideals, the nurturing of a sense of community service has been an important element in the education of the College since its founding. The spirit of serving others adheres to the College’s education mission, providing opportunities for students to cultivate their empathy towards people and the world. They can apply their knowledge and contribute their strengths by planning, implementing and evaluating their service. Students will enrich their life experience, advance themselves and benefit society.


Over the years, opportunities for service-learning were explored and introduced. Chung Chi students were sponsored to attend service-learning projects abroad starting 1995 and since then the College worked devotedly towards the direction of establishing its own programmes. A few years later in 2000, the Chung Chi College Local Service-Learning Programme was launched, followed by the Mainland and the International Service-Learning Programmes in 2004 and 2005 respectively. Some programmes are combined with the College General Education curriculum for final-year students.


Drawing on the more than a decade of rewarding experience and in order to further promote service-learning, Chung Chi College establishes the ServiceLearning Centre in 2013/2014. The Centre has the following objectives:


1. To enhance students' personal growth and prepare them to be informed, responsible citizens and civic leaders, through instilling the set of core qualities including values, knowledge, skills, critical and reflective thinking, and commitment, etc.

2. To benefit society by bringing in high-level expertise and resources from the tertiary education sector that address community needs.

3. To contribute to academic research on service-learning as a subject of study, and its application and impacts.


The Centre is responsible for organizing the Local, Mainland and International Service-Learning Programmes of the College. It offers advice and support to voluntary work projects and short-term service trips initiated by student societies and alumni groups. On the aspect of professional development, there will be symposiums, seminars and training workshops held for scholars, teachers and administrators from local and mainland universities, secondary schools, as well as social workers from non-government organizations, etc. The Centre will also collaborate with academics and provide support on research projects. A collection of literature materials related to service-learning including journal articles, brochures and bulletins will be maintained too.