Student Development



What's New | Gown | Photo-taking Exercise | Enquiries


Eligibility for Application of Gown Rental


Applications from class of 2024 (students who will graduate in Dec 2023 or Jul 2024) will have prior processing.  Please note that students who have borrowed the gown from us last year are not eligible.


Applications from students who will graduate in Dec 2024 will be subject to discretion.  For those applicants, please submit the application with the reason by sending an email to on or before 17/1 (Wednesday) via your OnePass account.  Applicants may also register and the application result will be released at 16/2 (Friday) by email.  Please be reminded that students are only able to borrow the gown once in the annual photo-taking exercise.

Handling the Gown


  1. Graduation gowns are in a set of three: A black robe with black velvet trimmings on the front and the sleeves, and a mandarin collar; Black cap with black tassel; Black hood edged the colour of the respective faculties. Prospective graduates must keep the full set intact and clean. Do not alter the size and the style of the graduation gown.
  1. If the gowns are returned with adhesive paper, pin and other stains that have not been removed; The gowns are wet or left with water stains, pinholes; The top hat or the cap is broken, all are deemed to be damaged.
  2. Penalties of loss, damage of the gown are listed as Gown $360; Cap $160; Hood $160
  3. Tips on handling
  • The gown and the hood: The fabric can only be dry-cleaned. Wet cleaning will cause the gown to shrink or leave white marks during spinning. Do not put pins on the colour strip of the hood. Any of the above will be considered as damage.
  • Do not leave stains of drinks (Especially champagne, soft drinks, juice and drinks that contain sugar and colour). In case of slight stains, use a damp cloth (clean water only) to press on the strains for a few times and hang dry.
  • If ironing is needed, cover the part that needs ironing with a towel or handkerchief. Set the steam iron at moderate temperature. Do not iron directly on the iron as it will lead to an undesirable shine on the surface.
  • Steam iron cannot be used on black velvet directly. Ironing should be done on the black of the velvet. Cover the part to be iron first with a towel or handkerchief.
  • If it is not necessary, don’t ironing by yourself.


Gown Fitting


Gown fitting period starts from January 3, 2024 (Wednesday) to January 17, 2024 (Wednesday), at Large Activity Room, 4/F, Pommerenke Student Centre. For graduates not available to participate gown fitting, please refer to the "Size Chart for gown and cap" for choosing the required size.  

>Size Chart for gown and cap (Click Here)


Register the size for gown and cap


All prospective graduates should register the gown and cap sizes you need to borrow on or before January 17, 2024 (Wednesday).

>Size Registration for Gown Rental (Click Here)


Gown Collect


Date: 26-27 February 2024

Time: 10:00am -12:30pm / 2:30pm-5:00pm

Venue: Large Activity Room on 4/F, Pommerenke Student Centre



  1. Please bring your own bags
  2. Graduation gowns are in a set of three: gown, cap and hood.  Please keep the gowns clean and tidy.
  3. Please also be reminded to check whether the gown is damaged or smudged immediately after you receive your gown.  If yes, please complete the record form: and submit relevant documents to us on or before March 1, 2024

Otherwise, any damage or contamination found on return of the gown shall be compensated by the borrower  (Gown $360; Cap $160; Hood $160, and $680 for the whole set).

  1. If you have any doubts about the proper way to put on the graduation gown, please refer to the attached “Tips on Handling the Gown and the Hood” (Page 3). 
  2. If you would like to collect through delegation, please fill in and return the attached“Gown Collection /Return Authorization Letter” to our staff on the above Gown Collection period.


Gown Return


Date: 15-16 April 2024

Time: 10:00am -12:30pm / 2:30pm-5:00pm

Venue: Large Activity Room on 4/F, Pommerenke Student Centre



  1. All items must be returned in person and a penalty of $40 per working will be levied after the Gown Return period. 
  2. If the gown is damaged or lost, you will have to pay a penalty (Gown $360; Cap $160; Hood $160, and $680 for the whole set).
  3. If you would like to return through delegation, please fill in and return the attached “Gown Collection /Return Authorization Letter” to our staff on the above Gown Return period.




  1. Tips On Handling
  2. Gown Collect/Return Authorization Letter


Make Your Own Gown


Graduates who wish to tailor-make their own gowns may contact their own tailor or through the following suppliers:
Victoria Uniform (tel:2815-2983;; website:
Tick Your Gown  (tel:5166-3292;; website: