Pastoral Care

The Rev. KO Kwok Hung Pele

高國雄牧師 (The Rev. KO Kwok Hung Pele)



  • Alumnus of Chung Chi College, CUHK (B.A. in Religious Studies, MDiv)
  • Been a camp leader at the Chung Chi College Orientation Camp
  • Been the producer of the Orientation Camp’s song collection album of Chung Chi College Orientation Camp
  • Baptized and joined the church in the adolescence
  • Served as a member and team pastor of Gospel Music Groups, arranged over 750 music evangelism gatherings in local and overseas schools/churches
  • Served as a youth ministry officer and manager of parachurch organizations and churches, as well as a minister at CCC Leung Faat Memorial Church for over 20 years
  • Being a serving pastor of the Hong Kong Council of Christ in China (HKCCCC).  Also actively serving HKCCCC in different positions, such as: member of the Standing Committee, Chairperson of the Administration and Church Affairs Department, and Vice-Chairperson of the Education Services Department, Supervisors of three primary schools and IMC member of two secondary schools
  • Being the Trustee of the Evangelical School Development Incorporation and Councilor of the Scripture Union of Hong Kong
  • Be enthusiastic about faith and lifestyle sharing